I told Mamma that I want to learn how to swim from her today. I mean not just playing with water but really swimming. Before, we planned that I will join one swimming course when summer come next year. But I thought it was good if I can start it by ourself, I mean Mamma can teach me instead somebody else, before 2010 over. So we spent daytime today in the swimming pool. Mamma let me playing for sometime in the little pool, to make me use to with it. Then she brought me to bigger one and at the last to the biggest one and of course deep as well. Time went so fast. I felt so tired, I could not even go, and I slept on the way home.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I began to learn skating for the first time in my life. Pappa, Mamma, Sabina and Samia were with me. I fell and got up several times, seem not so easy on the beginning. But at least when the day was over I felt more confident with myself.
My new skates.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Always on my mind...
I feel really really bored, even thought night is getting late still I am not feeling sleepy yet, contrarily I feel want to jump and dance! always on my mind... always in my hearth..la..la...la...
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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Red dress
Red clothes usually become more popular in the month of December but probably not on the other months.
It's Sabina’s old dress that she had for about eight years ago.
Add a piece of organza fabric and combine it with the gold ribbon then..... It becomes new dress for me.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Last day at school 2010
Minus 15 Celsius degree today in Stockholm, the last day at Dagis till we come back to school again next year, Waooow! I hope we will get nice weather within this holiday time, so we can play outside without becoming sick due to cold. But it seems we forced to spend much time inside house this time, Sabina said that she started getting cold

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The fairy tale from Stockholm NK's windows.
We passed NK and saw this quite interesting tale at their windows. It was about Nisse and Nissa first Christmas when they worked for the Santa. So Santa asked them to bring many colours from all over the world because as usual Christmas always white and it’s better to bring more colour to make it more beautiful, so they immediately began to pack the backpacks.
The reddest red in China.
"The finest red color found in China," said Nissan to Nissa. Directly they began to dig a tunnel through the globe - every elf knows that China is located directly below us. When they came out the other side, Santa had booked a dragon that sat and waited. "You will get pepper cake if you take us to the reddest red," said Nissa. "Jump on my back, so we fly east of the Great Wall of China and the west of the sea. There is red so that it is enough to Easter, "said the dragon and swallows pepper cake in one bite.Sparkling Indian purple.
Before they left, and Nissa and Nisse chatted with Jamal in India. "Flight here from China. The dragon can find, "said Jamal Soon they are in a bustling urban center of that country. There was an elephant, hissed cobra, and some monkeys. Jamal gaves them a sparkling amethyst and declares: "Let the Nordic light by this strain.Blue Sea from the Indian Ocean.
Nissa and Nisse are relaxing by swimming when a pirate ship slide up. "Santa's elves in the Indian Ocean! Now I've seen it all, "cried the captain. Luckily, its nice pirates, but hungry! Nissa and Nisse looked through their backpacks and find oranges, tangerines and nectarines and Christmas apples from Sweden. Pirates rejoice and give thanks to Nissa and Nisse the finest they have: an indigo-dyed cloth. ”Add this into something wet, so you get blue, "said the pirate´s captain.In Egypt, gleaming gold.
The next morning Nissa and Nisse woke up, "Land Ahoy!" When they look out, they see nothing but sand. "Sausages and camels! It is Egypt, "said the captain.”All aboard. We'll give this magic carpet ride to my friend the pharaoh. "They fly past the sphinxes, pyramids and Bedouins and landing softly in the Pharaoh's treasury. They can hardly believe their eyes. It gleams and flashes of glittering, shimmering gold. Pharaoh is so happy for the magic carpet that he gives Nissa and Nisse a golden oil lamp. "Rub this. Then they have the most expensive color, gold. "
Spruce green color in Svedala.
returning home got very soon when you rode the Santa's reindeer . "From the Sahara to Svedala within an hour. New record, "notes Nissan and Nissa while they sortered all colors. Soon shimmers of Chinese red, Indian lilac, ocean blue and gold Egyptian, arrived in the Santa’s shop. The Santa would namely hand out colorful gift this time. Nissa and Nisse had only one thing left to do: decorated the tree. They fill it with beads and ornaments, careful not to hide fir natural color. "Green's also nice," said Nissa.
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Monday, December 20, 2010
With Ida
Snowy season is far from over; think I should try to find some ideas to live it with fun. Only two days left before the end of this year's holiday begin. I start this grey morning with Ida. Just playing with snow together, nothing special.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Met Andreas Carlsson!
Finally, I am back! After more than one week away from my blog, as ussuall busy.. busy…hi...hi..hi....
I met Andreas Carlsson last Sunday. He looks younger and simpler in reality. It was very exciting, I was little shy, but we made some pictures together at least.
Andreas carlsson , one of Swedish Idol Jury is one my ” idol”. He is esteemed as one of the world’s finest and accomplished contemporary songwriters. His song have sold over 150 million copies and many others brilliant achievement. You certainly know some of many his songs such as Born to make you happy ( Britney Spears ), I’m alive (Celine Dion) or maybe Bye, Bye, Bye (N’Sync).
I met Andreas Carlsson last Sunday. He looks younger and simpler in reality. It was very exciting, I was little shy, but we made some pictures together at least.
Andreas carlsson , one of Swedish Idol Jury is one my ” idol”. He is esteemed as one of the world’s finest and accomplished contemporary songwriters. His song have sold over 150 million copies and many others brilliant achievement. You certainly know some of many his songs such as Born to make you happy ( Britney Spears ), I’m alive (Celine Dion) or maybe Bye, Bye, Bye (N’Sync).
Talk about Idol 2010 which just finished last week, the winning song was pretty nice, I believe..listen it!
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
Jelly City
This artistic project by Liz Haycock is truly incredible. Haycock has created an entire cityscape of San Fransisco out of jelly! The model city looks just like the real thing, with all the colors and details identical to the actual city. Some of the buildings even feature the American flag, as they would in real life. Further, the cityscape is equipped with roads, trees, rivers and parking lots all crafted out of jelly. Liz Haycock is one amazingly talented artist—I can’t even imagine the labor that would have gone into making this amazing model city!

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
many books
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Saturday, December 4, 2010
I spent all day by sledding with Sabina and Samia. Weather was good only the time went too fast as usual …days in the winter season. I have tried one bigger hill, little bit scary on the beginning, but it was not taking long time to make me to be accustomed with that. It was difficult for me to go back home, I didn’t want go home actually; I want to continue it even the day start becoming dark.
Sabina and Samia, they bet who could be able to bury their face longest inside snow. What do you think, that is stupid enough to do? Their face became really really red just like tomato.But they both are the coolest girl in the world! Oh one more thing, today Sabina has jumped to the snow and lying there with her summer clothes, you can see that in her blog http://sabinaadeline163.blogspot.com/ . Could you imagine how cold it was. On the beginning she thought that she would try with her bikini, but Mamma was not happy of it. When she came home all of her clothes have become wet, Yeah she is little bit strange but still she is the coolest syster in the world!
Sabina and Samia
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010
dancing with Monki
Hi guys, let me presented one of my special dance, …….Dancing inside Monki's Fitting Room
Astrid and Astrid and Astrid... many Astrids everywhere.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010
This is me today in the end of November’s sun, Usch! Snow everywhere, I cannot even sit comfortably.
Oh ya, if someone ask me what sort of place I want to be at this moment, the answer is this place! Such a heaven of toys. “Pilar’s story, located in Mataró (Barcelona). Covering an area of 170m2, distributed between the ground floor and basement, it is a space full of magic and surprises. There is a rainbow and out of scale objects, all suggesting the world of the imagination.
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Monday, November 29, 2010
Indian´s style
It was interesting to see my favorite library have different style for these last few months. Indian style dominated every room. I felt like I was living at the other place and time and not in Stockholm, today. Children was reading, playing, or just sitting and doing nothing among Indian´s music, dance, cloth and room decorations…it is beautiful, very beautiful..
Indian's clothes everywhere
Big soffa ! Nobody could disturb me when I was reading (maybe sleeping as well)
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Saturday, November 27, 2010
winter fashion colour
Don’t understand about the fashion itself, only loves the color. Sometimes such colors appear high above, on the north skies. The aurora which comes in coolest and clear winter night….
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